Tag «Magicbricks.com»

Affordable cities record a rise of 2-5% in city indices during Oct-Dec 2013 quarter – Reports the Magicbricks PropIndex

While the National Property Index remained stable, the PropIndex reports that cities such as Chennai, Ghaziabad and Pune, which offer relatively affordable properties, depicted the highest rise in city index. March 3, 2014: The last quarter of 2013 was largely characterised by a cautious consumer approach and controlled supply by local and national developers that …

Introducing the New Generation Magicbricks.com

It’s All About Design – Focus on Search and Core Usability create the Cutting Edge User Experience that keeps MB as the No.1 choice of users. February 12, 2014: Magicbricks has completely redesigned the key pages – Homepage, Post Requirement form and Search pages and modified its other sections. In an attempt to ensure that …

India’s only Luxury Housing Section now goes National – launched by Magicbricks

Magicbricks pioneers offering Luxury home listings to cater to the wired high-end property buyer’s exacting demands for superlative accommodation October 2013: Magicbricks has now introduced its Luxury Section offering nationally with a launch covering the top 6 metros in India. The section features 300+ carefully selected luxury property listings – covering both new projects from …