First you have an idea that can change the world.
Then you take the plunge.
Then what?
Most startups realise the fact that they don’t know how to swim after they take the plunge. And this is where I want to help, offering access to my friends – seasoned professionals all – who can coach, guide, goad and tutor the young ones on their way to Nirvana.
Accounting Wizards, Legal luminaries, Branding Experts, Industry Analysts, Venture Capitalists, People Skill trainers – each an acknowledged Master in his / her field of excellence, providing handholding support as the young ones take their first faltering steps – expertise that spells the difference between a brilliant idea and a thriving entity. The idea is to help the startups out of their incubators and integrate them into the business of life with real time empowerment.
Here is the current list of entities we are backing. Do let us know how you can join the force and be the change that you want to be.