#PRBuddies of the World Unite – You have nothing to lose but your Release and a whole new Client to win!

#PRBuddies of the World Unite – You have nothing to lose but your Release and a whole new Client to win!


We are the Sultans of the Swing. We are the Spin Doctors. We are the Communicators par excellence. We are the weavers of the Webs that build and sustain the brands that our Clients boast of.

We are your friendly neighborhood #PRGUYS.

We are open 24X7. We cater to your every whim and conceited kink – however unjust and achievable they may be.

The Media (and may God bless them) looks down upon us as a pests with smiles trying to circumvent the revenue stream by converting legitimate advertisements to column centimeters of stories; while the client thinks that we are free-loaders pushing Releases that no one worth his circulation cares even to skim before trashing.

And us? We LOVE it when the Press Release and the Backgrounder WE toiled (read worked our Ass off) on, is published – in someone else’s name – a cut and paste job that salutes ingenuity and restores your faith in mankind and its commitment to intellectual properties!

We toil and shine between these two extremes – justifying to the cynical, the prophetic outpourings of the Client’s son in law. That is, when we are not busy helping him avert another of his self created crises, or literally grovelling to push his newly packaged, hermetically-sealed pan-masala pouches.

Employees in the Client’s Office hate us, as we have direct access to the Boss of their bosses. Our friends hate us, as they think that we live out of 5 star hotels on an expense account. The janta hates us, as they think that we have the all area access passes in those sinfully expensive do’s. The rest of the world hates us, as we are suave, well dressed and always with smiles to match.

And we do all this silently, from the shadows as we help direct the arch lights on to the clients. We go down smiling, only to gather ourselves up with a bigger, better and refurbished smile on our faces that challenge Life itself – bring it on, give us your worst, so that we can triumph again!

Buddy, you and I know what it is really like. PRBuddy, you also know that you and I will not give up this life for all the riches of the seas.

So join me, as we celebrate ourselves, as we Celebrate PR.

Please feel free to write in – with your ditty’s and insights’. CoreSectorCommunique would love to be your voice. I guess, it is time that we showed our faces to the world – if not to the world, at least to each other.

  • Chawm Ganguly, Editor