Wear art on your hand with whysoserious.co.in

Art Watch- Blackjack Rs.2 099

New Delhi, June 10, 2013: Whysoserious.co.in brings in a range of devilishly good looking Art watches. These watches are truly a masterpiece and exhibits extraordinary beauty. They are a must buy if you like buying tastefully done stuff.

At whysoserious we’ve gathered a small collection of the most beautiful and spectacular art watches in the world. Each watch has been painstakingly designed, non-commercially produced; each timepiece is a work of art. Humbly priced too so that anyone can buy art and keep it.

Price: Rs 2099/-


About Whysoserious.co.in:

Whysoserious.co.in provides a one stop solution to people looking for one of a kind, non mass produced, fun and quirky products which express and complement their individual personalities. They are also promoting Indian product designers by providing them a platform to showcase their creativity. They allow anyone with a nice idea to showcase their product on their website, and support the designer at absolutely no cost.

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