In preparation for the 100th anniversary of The Laughing Cow® in 2021, Lab’Bel, the Artistic Laboratory of the Bel Group, launched a series of collaborations in 2014 enlisting important contemporary artists to design a sequence of exceptional Collector’s Edition Boxes.

Following the creations of Hans-Peter Feldmann in 2014, Thomas Bayrle in 2015, Jonathan Monk in 2016 and Wim Delvoye in 2017, German conceptual artist Karin Sander has been chosen to produce the 5th Collector’s Edition Box in 2018.

Karin Sander

Born in 1957 in Bensberg, West Germany, Karin Sander lives and works in Berlin and Zürich. She has been the subject of numerous exhibitions throughout the world and has received several national and international art awards. From 1999 to 2007, she was a professor at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. She currently teaches at the EHT (Federal Institute of Technology) in Zürich.

Known for her pointedly conceptual works—which include installations, architectural interventions, 3D photographs and paintings—Sander raises questions about the contexts and conditions in which artistic output is produced and diffused, be it in museums, art centers or public spaces. An important aspect of Sander’s art lies in the precise observation of, and interaction with, everyday objects and experiences. Each work refers only to its specific context, apart from any social, historical, or spatial coherence. Through minimal changes in perspective, she succeeds in reinterpreting these situations in the most surprising ways.

Sander’s most recent exhibitions include shows at the National Museum of Osaka (2018), ZKM Karlsruhe (2017), Esther Schipper Gallery Berlin (2017), Doha Fire Station (2017), and MUDAM Luxembourg (2014). These followed important solo exhibitions at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (2011), the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen (2010), and K20 Kunstsammlung NRW Düsseldorf (2010).

The Collector’s Edition Box

The Collectors’ Edition Boxes are considered by their creators to be full-fledged works of art. They offer purchasers two choices: to consume the contents, or to keep them intact as collectible objects. The project is part of the commitment of the Bel Group and its endowment fund Lab’Bel to promote the brand’s fundamental values—sharing, accessibility and enjoyment—by bringing contemporary art to the widest possible audience.

To be unveiled at FIAC 2018, and made available on the official website of The Laughing Cow®

Just as in 2016 and 2017, Karin Sander’s Collector’s Edition Box will be unveiled in the presence of the artist at The Laughing Cow® stand at FIAC in Paris from 18 to 21 October, 2018. As in previous years, it will be on sale for just 5 euros. At FIAC 2016 and FIAC 2017, collectors and contemporary art lovers acquired nearly 2,000 Collector’s Edition Boxes over the course of the annual three-day fair.

In 2018, the Collector’s Edition Box will also be available for sale on the official website of The Laughing Cow®.