Tag «Pregnancy»

Beauty products can be a reason to prevent your pregnancy

New Delhi: ‘Cosmetics enhance beauty’ is what most of us use them for. But, we hardly think that they can affect us more than we realize. Mounting research on this subject has raised certain concerns regarding the potential side effects of these products. The Chemicals present in the cosmetics and beauty products have shown various …

Inadequate Weight during Pregnancy Ups the Risk of Infant Mortality

Malnutrition or obesity during pregnancy more than doubles the risk of infant mortality. A normal expectant mother should gain around 11-16 kgs while pregnant, which is essential for the neonate’s development. Lifestyle, anemia, improper diet, malnutrition are some of the reasons that cause fluctuations in expectant woman’s weight. Panchkula,22nd January 2018: When Rashi had not …

Excessive weight can be harmful during pregnancy, say doctors at Paras Bliss Hospital, Panchkula

Gaining excessive weight during pregnancy can cause health hazards to both mother and baby Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to chronic conditions such obesity, diabetes and heart issues among the newborns Panchkula, 20 April 2016: Weight gain during pregnancy is a normal even desirable phenomenon. However, excessive weight gain can have dangerous consequences …

Ten Cool Places To Visit During Pregnancy- Cloudnine

After that wonderful honeymoon and a long gap later, now is the time for babymoon- a much essential break required before your baby arrives. Babymoon can mean both pre-birth and post-birth holiday break. But now what we are going to talk about is a rejuvenating vacation during pregnancy. If you are a first time expectant …