Tag «linked in»

The Social Media Butterflies – Chawm Ganguly

Do women, especially women in India, approach the social media differently when compared to their male counterparts? Innocuous as it may seem, it is indeed a trick question for various reasons. For one, those asking the question are primarily marketers who want the answer to push whatever they are selling. Secondly, and more importantly, because …

BESC unveils Insta-garam: a Tweet 4 the Tests

Students, all ye, who spent their college years posting pout-selfies on Facebook and consequently have ended up with enough knowledge to fill a Tweet, take heart. BESC has got the Insta-garam for you. Coming close on the heels of the much acclaimed “Remedial Classes”, where those, who, for whatever reasons, may have missed out the …

Become a good soul, the Social Media will follow

Social Media Marketing, like most things new, have its early adopters, early embracers and a whole world of people vaguely aware of the term – blind men shooting in the darkness on a moonless night. It is simple; it is easy to use and in its simplicity, incomprehensible to the corporate honchos used to their …