Tag «jobs»

What Jobs Will Humans Have in the Future?

As more positions become automated, new ones will inevitably emerge -MONICA ROZENFELD, IEEE MEMBER During the next two decades, nearly half the jobs in the United States alone might become obsolete due to automation, according to an article in The Atlantic. But new opportunities will arise, particularly ones that require strong cognitive and social skills. As …

Careers not Jobs – What the Modern Jobseeker wants

June 21, 2016: All competent professionals move ahead on their career paths with a vision of getting placed on a high growth trajectory with one of their dream companies, but does everyone’s dream get fulfilled? Certainly, not without hassles! In the search for a job that will be the perfect career launch-pad, professionals face numerous …

2015 Monsoon Predictions: a Deluge of Jobs for Freshers says TimesJobs

– It rains jobs for entry-level candidates during monsoons, shows TimesJobs.com data – Talent demand in e-commerce also set to peak this July, Aug and Sept June 15, 2015: Demand for entry-level talent has seen an incremental spike during the monsoon months of July, August and September, shows TimesJobs.com RecruiteX year-on-year data since 2011. Experts …

Jobs and Migration are Key Drivers in Reducing Inequality, Can Offset Inherited Disadvantages at Birth

New Delhi, January 20, 2015: Jobs and migration are supporting considerable upward mobility among both the poor and the vulnerable sections of the population in India. Households from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes  considered together  experienced upward mobility comparable to that of the rest of the population, says a new World Bank report. …

Heads of state set ambitious climate target with measures to preserve industrial competitiveness, growth and jobs

Globally competing industries will be safeguarded from additional costsat best performance level #EUCO 23-24 October 2014   On 24 October 2014, the EU heads of state and government agreed on an ambitiousEuropean energy and climate policy framework for the period 2020 to 2030, including a CO2 emission reduction targetof 43% by 2030 compared to 2005 …

EUROFER calls for a strong and decisive new European Commission as well as a vivid,European Parliament, which focuses on competitiveness, growth and jobs in Europe.

“Top-Commission-Position important, but what counts in Europe is industrial competitiveness, innovation and growth” Today´s informal dinner of the Heads of State and Governments is the starting point of a new Commission. For the first time, the result of the European Elections has to be taken into account in appointing the President of the European Commission. …