Tag «Durgapuja»

Glimpses of DurgaPuja – Sunando Mukherjee

I caught the photography virus at the age of twenty, when I discovered an analog camera which belonged to my father. My father had acquired the camera to use it while going for family trips and all, but had eventually stored it away. With my allowance money I bought myself a Digital camera and started …

Durgapuja – Ashtumir Anjali Montro

Durgapuja – Ashtumir Anjali Montro – for all those Bengalis who are missing home today. ওঁ জয়ন্তি, মঙ্গলা, কালি, ভদ্রকালি, কপালিনি। দূর্গা, শিবা, ক্ষমা, ধাত্রি, স্বাহা, স্বধা, নমোহস্তু তে॥ এষ সচন্দন গন্ধ পুস্প বিল্ব পত্রাঞ্জলিঃ, ওঁ হ্রীং দুর্গায়ৈ নমঃ॥ Om Jayanti, Mangala, Kali, Bhadrakali, Kapalini। Durga, Shiva, Kshama, Dhatri, Svaha, Svadha Namostu Te॥ Esha Sachandana …