Tag «Constitution»

I too, have a dream – Atul Koirala.

Atul Koirala is a bundle of delightful contradictions. As a child he wanted to become a pilot and spread his wings in the azure skies. Destiny, however, had other plans and he could not pursue his dream. But he didn’t give up and today, he is instrumental in helping numerous youngsters chase their dreams, his …

Constitution of a High Level Committee to prepare a report on the socioeconomic, health and educational status of the tribal communities of India

In keeping with the special status accorded to Scheduled Tribes (STs) in the Constitution of India, the Union Government has affirmed its commitment to improving their socioeconomic status and has taken initiatives that encompass policy, programmatic and legislative interventions. The Government of India, in furtherance of its commitment and with a view to creating conditions …

Constitution of independent regulatory authority for coal sector and approval for introducing the Coal Regulatory Authority Bill, 2013 in Parliament

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to the proposal for setting up of an independent regulatory authority for the coal sector and also approved the introduction of the Coal Regulatory Authority Bill, 2013 in Parliament. The setting up of an independent regulatory body for the coal sector shall help in the regulation and conservation …