“Creating a win-win energy and climate policy in Europe is possible”
Future industrial, energy and climate challenges in focus of 4th European Steel Day
“Europe needs a strong and competitive industrial base, in terms of both production and investment, as a key driver for economic growth and jobs”. The conclusions of the European Council in March 2014 were strong and clear. Fine words which must be followed by action if there is to be an investment-friendly environment for industry in Europe.
Action means a “coherent European energy and climate policy” should be implemented, says EUROFER Director General Gordon Moffat, that “ensures affordable energy prices, security of energy supply and achievement of our climate objectives without sacrificing the competitiveness of our foundation industries”.
In view of the European Parliament elections but also looking ahead at the European Council in June and October 2014,the European Steel Day will focus on the tools necessary to preserve a strong, globally competitive industry in Europe, to defend Europe from unfair trade, to secure supply of globally competitive energy, and at the same time ambitious, technically and economically achievable climate objectives for 2030.
Together with experts, steel CEOs will discuss strategies about how to develop a more balanced energy and climate policy in order to prevent Europe from becoming an industrial museum. There will also be video addresses from Herman Van Rompuy, President and Karel De Gucht, Commissioner.Speakers will include:
Wolfgang Eder, Presidentof EUROFER, CEO of Voestalpine
RobrechtHimpe, Executive Vice President,ArcelorMittal, President of EUROFER
Gert Jan Koopman, Deputy Director General – State aids, DG Competition
Marco Peronaci, Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy
Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
ReinhardBütikofer, Member of the European Parliament, Co-chair EU Green Party
Markus Beyrer, Director General BusinessEurope
Gordon Moffat, Director General EUROFER
Represented by EUROFER, the European steel industry represents the world leader in its sector, producing on average 170 million tonnes of steel per year with direct employment of 350 thousand highly skilled people. More than 500 steel production and processing sites in 24 EU member states provide direct and indirect employment for millions of European citizens.