MCCI Ladies Forum begins work in right earnest

MCCI Ladies Forum (MLF), a responsible wing of MCC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, recognizes its duty to help and strengthen the communities in which we live and work. This exclusive women wing of the Chamber came into existence on 14th of August, this year and was launched by Smt. Padmini Narayanan, First Lady of West Bengal and Smt. Aparna Sen, Filmmaker & Actress.

The forum aims to bring up all women related issues to the fore and represent them to the concerned Government and Non Government Departments, Agencies, initiate vocational, educational training and self development programme, conduct entrepreneurship development workshops and recognize women achievers from all walks of life. Just after coming into being, it has started its work with full gusto. As a part of its initiative in extending social activities towards community and nation at large, a team of MLF paid a visit to Good News Children Education Society (GNCES) School and Day Care in Mukundapur. The team was led by Smt. Saritaa Jalan, Chairperson and Smt. Divya Agarwal, Vice Chairperson of MLF.

GNCES is a non-profit making charitable Society working for social cause and benefit of underprivileged and destitute children. It is currently running 7 schools for semi orphans and orphans in different locations acrossWest Bengal, including Mukundapur; 2 Schools for street children in ‘Tangra’ and ‘Hatibagan’ and a ‘Day Care’ for 20 babies in Mukundapur. The Mukundapur unit started in 1992 with 5 children in a bamboo structure, has developed into a sprawling three storeyed building spread over 3.5 Bighas, housing 500 students from KG till Class VIII. The Day Care unit caters to street babies in Tangra and Moulali area.

MLF members met Ms. Eunok Lee (Roy), Founder of the School & her team and held discussions with them in regard to assistance that could be provided from MLF for the upliftment of the school at Mukundapur. MLF plans to assist GNCES in developing basic infrastructural facilities required to run the school viz, provide Tables and Benches for children, provide books, library and a laboratory and make arrangements for Drinking Water. In addition, it further wishes to provide aid for building a Children’s park, a well raised Boundary Wall surrounding the area, buying a satellite and raising funds for paying salaries to Teachers (Spoken English).MLF is in the process of collaborating with GNCES to fulfill the mutual objectives.

 ‘Self Defense’ is the second developmental initiative of the ladies wing of MCCI where ‘Coaching Classes’ are being provided to the  underprivileged girl children in one Khalsa English High  School since September 11, 2012. Applications are being sent to more schools in the city seeking permissions to introduce this programme for all girl students of higher than or equivalent to standard five.