Rome, 15 May 2014 – The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has launched a number of new publications during the organisation’s 18th conference (ISSF-18) being held in Rome, Italy.
The following brochures were published during ISSF-18.
2014 Annual Review
As well as including details of the addresses given by the Chairman and Secretary-General of ISSF during the conference, the 2014 Annual Review summarises the activities of ISSF over the past year. The Annual Review also includes details of ISSF’s Board, Membership and Staff.
Stainless Steel in Figures 2014
The 2014 edition of Stainless Steel in Figures is the third since the publication was launched in 2012. “Our goal is to build our own reliable statistical database, with regular up-dates and consistent reporting standards, which members can use for their own decision making purposes,” notes ISSF Secretary-General, John Rowe.
Production of this year’s Stainless Steel in Figures was supervised by Kai Hasenclever the ISSF Director of Economics and Statistics.
2014 Sustainability Award Case Studies
Each year ISSF recognises outstanding contributions to Sustainability by member companies. In 2014, the Award has been split into two categories. The first recognises member company initiatives which have improved Safety for the people who work in the industry. The second category, Planet/Profit, recognises initiatives which reduce the Environmental Impact of steelmaking, or contribute to the long-term profitability of member companies.
“The case studies submitted by our members reveal many different success stories”, notes Dr Juha Ylimaunu, Chairman of ISSF’s Health, Safety and Environment Committee. “They show how our members are continually seeking new ways to create added value for the Environment, for their customers and for society in general.”