The 20-year old demand of India’s most powerful and 118-year old shipping trade union of India, National Union of Seafarers of (NUSI) has been finally accepted and declared in the Union Budget. NUSI has been able to rightly convince Hon. Finance Minister Mr Arun Jaitley to declare huge income tax relief to sailors working on Indian cargo ships.
As declared in the Union Budget, sailors working on Indian cargo ships for at least 182 days in a year will be granted huge relief in the income tax as per the norms laid by Central Board of Direct Taxes.
Mr Abdulgani Serang, General Secretary, NUSI said: “Thousands of cargo ship sailors residing in maritime state of West Bengal will stand to save a considerable amount of income tax every year due to NUSI’s initiatives.”
On an average these junior-level sailors from West Bengal working aboard specialized Indian cargo ships earn around Rs 75,000 per month.
Pls. visit for more details on National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI).