You’ve already helped convince the world’s largest fashion retailer to Detox. Last week Zara committed to eliminate all uses and releases of hazardous chemicals from its supply chain and products by 2020.
Now let’s get Levi’s to make a Detox commitment that’s even more ambitious than Zara’s.
Just like Zara and the other brands we tested, Levi’s jeans and t-shirts have also been found to contain hazardous chemicals which break down in the environment to form toxic pollution. What’s more, our latest investigations found toxic and hormone-disrupting chemicals in waterways in Mexico where Levi’s suppliers discharge their wastewater.
Let’s use the momentum we have now to convince Levi’s to be a real leader on this issue, not a green-washer. The brand has a Water>less jeans initiative which shows that they know just how precious clean water is.
Levi’s even has a chemical policy in place, but it’s focused on managing hazardous chemicals, not eliminating them. This approach is clearly not working, and is having a negative impact on both the environment and the livelihoods of the people living near the sources of this pollution.
Change needs to start now. Just last week Zara also committed to publicly disclose pollution data from at least 100 of its suppliers, including at least 40 in China, by the end of 2013. This transparency is a real breakthrough in the way clothing is manufactured and is an important step in providing local communities, journalists and officials with the information they need to ensure that local water supplies are not turned into public sewers for industry.
Right now Levi’s polluting practices are holding us back from the toxic-free future we all want to create. The brand can do much better, but it won’t without a push.
More than 320,000 people last week joined the call to make Zara Detox. This time we’re aiming for 501,000 people to help convince Levi’s to Go Forth and Detox. When over half a million people speak out, you know it’s time to Detox!
Please join the campaign to get Levi’s to Go Forth and Detox!
Marietta Harjono
Detox Campaigner
Greeenpeace International