ils ethics in business‘International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business’ was conducted for the first time in United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, by World Forum in Ethics in Business on July 1, 2013.  Organized in partnership with International Association for Human Values, World Bank Institute and Global Partnerships Forum, the International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business, which had leaders from business, politics, academia, and civil society congregate to exchange a dialogue on evolving leadership approach towards a sustainable development and ethical practice in business.

Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali, the former Secretary General of the United Nations had inaugurated the conference on ‘International Leadership Symposium on Business and Ethics’ that had ‘Good Governance and Transparency through Shared values’ as its theme in United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, a largest humanitarian organization in the World.

In his opening address Mr. Christoph Glaser, Director, World Forum for Ethics in Business shared , “It is really people, not policies who keep us from reaching our ethical goals, and if we want to change that then we need to give tool to transform mindsets and foster shared values.”

These words resonate with Seth Godwin a bestselling author:  “Our job is to make change. Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them; more able to get where they’d like to go. Every time we waste that opportunity, every page or sentence that doesn’t do enough to advance this cause, is a waste.”

The event was an ardent call from ‘World Forum for Ethics in Business’ to facilitate a holistic deliberation and an effective dialogue on ‘Good Governance and Transparency through Shared Values’, an initiative of The Art of Living International Foundation. “Ethical practices when ingrained can resist crises situations,” said Dr. Denis Broun, Executive Director, UNITAID .


A few distinguished panelists at the conference include, Ms Anne–‐Marie Lizin, Honorary President of the Belgian Senate, Mr Mark Florman, CEO, British Venture Capital Association, Mr Michael Izza, CEO, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and Ms Yvonne Feri, Member of the Swiss National Council. They deliberated on forging new practices through innovation and collaboration in business.

Mr. Shantanu Prakash, Founder & Managing Director of Educomp, launched a new ethics e-learning platform. While, Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo, first Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court felt, “It is not enough to just complain, we must be a bridge, and must win people over with love.”  I think scientific research can play key role in this, “excellence, positive competition, cooperation”, opined Prof. Rolf-Dieter Heuer Director General, CERN.  What makes a great leader…? “A short-sighted leader creates a mob; a leader with wisdom creates a movement,” shared H.H.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

S12MMMMM02303– Leela Rani. Dondapati,

The author is a freelance writer/journalist and has close to a decade’s experience as a writer having worked with some of the major media houses of India. She can be contacted via e:mail –