Future Cities, Introduction to TypeScript and the World of Wine on edX this Week!

What happens when your dentist takes an X-Ray of your teeth? Why does white wine taste and smell completely different than red wine? How can teachers encourage good behavior, and prevent disruptive behavior? Find answers to these questions and more on edX this week.

ed1Introduction to Bioconductor – HarvardX – March 30, 2015
Understand the real-life challenges data analysts face by learning about a popular toolkit for understanding biological data. This course begins with an introduction to biology, and then explores methods for next generation sequencing and microarrays: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-bioconductor-harvardx-ph525-4x#.VRVsFrPF-GU


Introduction to Biomedical Imaging – UQx – March 30, 2015ed2In the developed world, most of us take medical imaging for granted. We have experienced it throughout our lives, but do we know what is happening when we get X-rays, MRIs or sonograms? Explore the principles of these imaging technologies and look into the future of imaging. Can a scan tell psychologists what we are thinking? Find out in this course! https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-biomedical-imaging-uqx-bioimg101x-0#.VRVsFrPF-GU


ed3Positive Behavior Support for You Children – UWashingtonX – March 31, 2015
The number one training request from teachers of young children is how to prevent and address challenging behavior in their classroom, such as teasing, name calling, and even physical aggression. Learn evidence-based strategies to use in early learning settings that prevent challenging behaviors from occurring in the first place.



Introduction to TypeScript – Microsoft – March 31, 2015ed5Learn TypeScript- a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles into plain JavaScript- from the computer scientist who created it.  This course will show you how to use TypeScript, which is open source and hosted on GitHub, to manage your JavaScript code base. https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-typescript-microsoft-dev201x#.VRVsF7PF-GU


ed6Academic and Business Writing – UC BerkeleyX – April 1, 2015
Learn how to write professional emails, proposals, cover letters, college application essays and more. Explore different types of writing, from humanities to engineering, and even try your hand at writing poetry. This course is ideal for anyone hoping to improve their writing skills in various disciplines. https://www.edx.org/course/v2/academic-business-writing-uc-berkeleyx-colwri2-3x


Future Cities – ETHx – April 1, 2015ed7What is a city? Why do people move into cities? Do cities need skyscrapers? Investigate data-driven approaches for the development of the future city based on sustainability, crowd sourcing and sensing. This course explores the city as the most complex human-made organism, and aims to show how cities can continually adapt to face the challenges of urban life.



Design and Development of Games for Learning – MITx – April 1, 2015ed8What is a learning game? This course will focus on the ever-growing field of learning with and from games. It will explore the game design process from conception through development by talking with professionals and researchers and diving into the many challenges faced when designing learning games. https://www.edx.org/course/design-development-games-learning-mitx-11-127x#.VRWsfbPF-GU


ed9Word of Wine: From Grapes to Glass – AdelaideX – April 2, 2015
Wine is a wonderfully diverse beverage that is enjoyed the world over, but there is more to wine than what is in the bottle. In this course, you will learn how to describe the appearance, aroma, flavor, and taste of different styles of wine. Explore the art and science of winemaking and how winemakers get wine from the barrel to the bottle. https://www.edx.org/course/world-wine-grape-glass-adelaidex-wine101x#.VRWuA7PF-GV