As per the passenger traffic data submitted by various domestic airlines, the total domestic passengers carried by the scheduled domestic airlines in the month of October 2012 were 45.55 lakhs. The total domestic passengers carried by the scheduled domestic airlines in the month of September 2012 were 40.18 lakhs. This shows that 5.37 lakh more passengers travelled in the month of October 2012 compared to September 2012. The break-up for the month of October 2012 is as follows:
Air India – 9.49 lakhs, Jet Airways –8.24 lakhs, Jet Lite – 3.00 lakhs, IndiGo – 12.66 lakhs, Spice Jet – 8.69 lakhs, Go Air – 3.47 lakhs, Kingfisher – Nil, Mantra- 0.001 lakhs.
However, the number of passengers carried by the domestic airlines was 483.94 lakhs between January-October 2012 as against 496.19 lakhs during the corresponding period of the previous year showing the growth of -2.47%.
The market share of scheduled domestic airlines for the month of October 2012 is as follows: Air India- 20.8%, Jet Airways-18.1%, JetLite-6.6%, IndiGo-27.8%, Spice Jet- 19.1%, Go Air- 7.6% and Kingfisher- Nil.