imagesbhpBHP Billiton today celebrated the opening of the new Daunia mine, the Company’s ninth  operating metallurgical coal mine in central Queensland.
BHP Billiton Coal President, Dean Dalla Valle, was joined by the Hon. Campbell Newman,  Premier of Queensland, and joint venture partner, Mitsubishi, in a ceremony to open the  mine, which has created 450 direct jobs in Queensland.  Mr Dalla Valle said: “It’s not often, even in a long career in mining, that the opportunity arises  to open a new mine, and I am privileged to be doing that today amongst our proud coal  miners.
“In recent years, through the BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA)1 , we have made  significant capital investments to expand our operations here in Queensland, where we mine  the world’s premium quality metallurgical coal.
“In addition to the US$1.4 billion invested to construct the 4.5 million tonnes per annum  Daunia mine, BMA has committed US$7.7 billion for major projects in Queensland over the  past three years. This includes the new Caval Ridge mine and the expansion of the Hay  Point Coal Terminal currently underway, as well as the Broadmeadow mine extension  completed this year.
“In a strong partnership with Mitsubishi, we are the State’s largest coal miner, operating  seven BMA metallurgical coal mines in central Queensland, along with the Hay Point Coal
Terminal near Mackay. We will have eight BMA mines when the nearby Caval Ridge mine is  completed next year.”
BHP Billiton’s combined coal business, headquartered in Brisbane, includes 20 operations
around the world and a workforce of approximately 30,000 people.
“Last year, BHP Billiton’s global coal business produced 111 million tonnes of coal. With our  partners in Queensland, we are the world’s largest seaborne supplier of metallurgical coal,”  Mr Dalla Valle said.
“As the Daunia mine ramps up production and we continue to deliver our growth projects, it  is critical to drive productivity measures right across our business to remain competitive. We  will continue to work in partnership with governments, industry, our people and our  communities to achieve that.  “Construction of the Daunia mine started in 2011 and was completed in July this year, under  budget and producing coal four months ahead of schedule. Large coal mines are complex  projects, and this is a fantastic achievement for our team.”
Mr Dalla Valle said there had been an overwhelming response to employment opportunities  at the mine, with more than 30,000 applications received for around 900 new positions at the  Daunia and Caval Ridge mines.
“Our new recruits are in good hands. From day one Daunia mine has set a high standard,
with the construction team handing over the site with an exemplary safety record including
four million work hours without a lost time injury. An achievement the team can be very  proud of.
“At BHP Billiton the safety of our people is our number one priority and with almost half of the  450 new Daunia employees new to the coal industry, we have worked even harder to ensure  everyone receives the training and support they need to work safely.
“We recognise the benefits of having a diverse workforce on a mine site. We are excited that  our work to encourage women to join our operations has been so successful. There are  more than 100 women among our 450 new employees,” he said  In Queensland, the Company’s coal portfolio includes seven BMA mines, the Hay Point Coal  Terminal, as well as two BHP Billiton Mitsui Coal (BMC) coal mines, South Walker Creek  and Poitrel, operated by BHP Billiton.
BHP Billiton also owns a large underground silver lead zinc mine, Cannington mine, in north  west Queensland, headquartered in Townsville.
Further information on BHP Billiton can be found at: