Another First from IIM Lucknow –Fees for Post Graduate Programme in Management Reduced

Indian-Institute-of-Management-IIM-LucknowA path breaking step by IIM Lucknow in the history of IIM’s

An important decision regarding the fee structure for the academic year 2013-2015 for the post graduate programme in management was taken by IIM Lucknow today.

Dr. Devi Singh, Director, IIM Lucknow announced in Lucknow today that the IIM Lucknow Board has decided to reduce the fees for the post graduate programme in management (PGP & PGP ABM) by 10% from the current Rs. 12 lakhs to Rs. 10.8 lakhs.  IIM Lucknow has not done any upward fee revision since the year 2011.

This is first time such a decision has been taken in any IIM across the country. This is a trend reversal, generally only an upward revision is seen.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Devi Singh, Director, IIM Lucknow said “In the last 9 years, the institute’s impetus has been on efficient financial management and broad basing our revenue sources. We have been successful in achieving this. We have no reliance on government grants now. Everyone can be assured that this decision of our does not mean reduction in either the quality of education, infrastructure or any other services in the institute. Further we would continue with our focus on optimal utilisation of resources and effective financial management”.

 Dr. J.J. Irani, Chairman, IIM Lucknow Board of Governors said, “In today’s environment when education is becoming costlier, IIM Lucknow would like to take a lead. This decision of ours would not only help many needy students to undertake education at institutions like ours, it will also widen the area of selection amongst eligible students for undertaking the education in IIM’s”.

When the entire country is seeing inflation, this decision by IIM Lucknow is surely a relief and would go a long way in promoting the cause of quality higher education within every one’s reach.