Santiago of Chile, January 17th, 2013. Alacero announced the 6th Steel Design Contest for Architecture Students 2013 this week. This year’s contest focuses on education and culture. The students should bring forward a proposal for a Public Media Library that creates a space to promote knowledge and culture among society members.
Alacero organizes this contest each year and in 2012, 1705 students from 193 and 9 countries participated.
All countries that have Active Alacero members are invited to participate. In the first stage, each country, holds a local competition and chooses a winning team, which competes in the 6th Alacero Steel Design Contest for Architecture Students 2013, whose winners will be announced during the Congress Alacero-54, in November 2013.
Those preliminary projects that make it to the final level will be analyzed by a jury composed of architects from each participating country. The First Prize consists in 10.000 U.S. dollars, from which 6.000 U.S. dollars will be distributed to the students and 4.000 U.S. dollars to the university. The Second Prize comprises 3.000 U.S. dollars: 2.000 U.S. dollars for the students and 1.000 U.S. dollars for the university.
With the Competition, Alacero enhances future professionals to become familiar with steel as a construction material and to take advantage of its different attributes.
Rules and conditions of the contest available at:
About Alacero
Alacero –Latin American Steel Association- is the organization that brings together the Steel Value Chain of Latin America to promote the values of regional integration, technological innovation, corporate responsibility and social and environmental sustainability. Founded in 1959, Alacero is formed by 52 companies of 25 countries, whose production –of about 70 million annual tons- represents 95% of the steel manufactured in Latin America. Alacero is a Special Consulting Organization to the United Nations and is recognized as International Non-Government Organization by the Republic of Chile, host country of Alacero´s headquarters.