The definitive guide on Digital Marketing from warriors who led the charge

OmslagMarketing goes digita lågThis is the Bible of Digital marketing that you were waiting for. The book is by people who have been there, done it all – rare insight that digitally dominates the pages.

David Ståhlberg has been on the leadership teams of Google in Sweden and Procter & Gamble Nordic and is now leading a company dedicated to digital Transformation. Johan Eriksson is part of the management team for Google Northern Europe and has previously worked in marketing at Procter & Gamble.

In Marketing goes Digital – 12 Practices for Business Success Johan Eriksson & David Ståhlberg show why customer-centricity is the most important recipe for success in digital transformation. It’s easy to get too focused on the technology, while creating more value for people is what digital transformation is all about. Johan & David also shows how digital transformation is not a journey with a beginning and an end, but how you need to constantly challenge your ambition, learning & innovation as the only long-term sustainable strategy and competitive advantage.

Read it before you become redundant!

The book is available as e-book on Amazon.In