Tag «ThyssenKrupp»

Organic photovoltaics on steel: ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe and Solliance researching applications for the new generation of solar cells

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe and Solliance are counting on a highly promising form of power generation: organic photovoltaics (OPV). OPVs are flexible solar cells made of light-active plastics and can be manufactured by cost-effective processes suitable for large-scale production. They may be less efficient than previous rigid solar cells based on silicon but they offer the …

ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel receives “German Business Award for Health” Concept for preventing chronic illnesses honored by the BKK Federal Association

The electrical steel manufacturer ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel GmbH was today presented with the special “German Business Award for Health” (industry category) in Berlin by the BKK Federal Association. The award honors the efforts made by the company, a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe with 1,350 employees, to prevent chronic illnesses as part of its corporate …

ThyssenKrupp receives mega-order for fertilizer plants in the US exceeding 1 billion euros

Dynamic development in the US petrochemical industry – ThyssenKrupp further expands its market presence in North America On November 1, 2012, ThyssenKrupp Uhde received a major order for the design and construction of fertilizer plants in Port Neal (Iowa, US) and Donaldsonville (Louisiana, US) via its US business partner Uhde Corporation of America. The order …