Tag «ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe»

Innovative technologies in the city of the future: InnoCity developing innovative steel structures and intelligent passenger transportation systems for urban mobility

One of the most striking examples of global change is the trend towards urbanization. According to UN estimates, more than 2.5 billion more people around the world will be living in cities by the year 2050. By 2030, two thirds of the world’s population are expected to be city dwellers. One result of this trend …

“Jugend forscht” youth science competition: Three first places for ThyssenKrupp apprentices

Young researchers from ThyssenKrupp have done well in the “Jugend forscht” youth science competition: In the regional heats in Dortmund, Duisburg and Saarbrucken, three teams of apprentices from the Group took the top spots. Another two teams came in second and third in the Duisburg regional heat. Participants compete in seven specialist disciplines. The ThyssenKrupp …

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe puts blast furnace 9 in Duisburg back into operation Preparation for removal of blast furnace 2 in the coming year

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe’s blast furnace 9 in Duisburg-Hamborn has been fired up again and started a new campaign. The facility in the north of Duisburg was taken out of service in spring 2012 for relining and replacement of parts of the cooling system. The flat steel producer has invested around 38 million euros in the …

worldsteel announces the 8th steeluniversity Challenge launch date.

Brussels, 17 October 2013 – The 8th Virtual Steelmaking Challenge will begin with the Round 1 Regional Championship on 12 November 2013 and will finish with the Round 2 World Championship in February 2013. There are two categories: ‘Student’ and ‘Industry’. Entrants in both categories will compete online from their own countries in the first …

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe to optimize management structure

At its meeting today the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG decided to realign the company’s management structure. The reorganization is in connection with the optimization program “Best-in-Class Reloaded”, under which Steel Europe is making a significant contribution to the profitability and strategic development of the Group as a whole. The aim of the …

Joint development by Bochum University of Applied Sciences and ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe: PowerCore SunCruiser, solar car with a heart of steel, presented to the public

Months spent assembling, testing and painting by students from Bochum University of Applied Sciences culminated in the presentation of their development work in Bochum today: The “PowerCore SunCruiser” fitted with electrical steel from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is a high-tech solar-powered car of the latest generation. What makes it different: The solar car is a functional …

ThyssenKrupp AG to actively support authorities with investigation

Today business premises of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe in Duisburg were searched by the Federal Cartel Office. According to the search warrant the matter involves alleged anticompetitive agreements between market participants relating to specific steel supplies to the automotive industry in Germany. Antitrust violations are not tolerated in the Group. Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Chairman of the …

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe supports the Group’s Strategic Way Forward with optimization program.

“Best in Class – reloaded” with a savings volume of around €500 million – Operational and structural adjustments at Steel Europe to improve competitiveness in a difficult market environment ThyssenKrupp is pursuing a holistic strategic development program to systematically optimize its portfolio, change its corporate culture, enhance its performance and thus increase the Group’s value …

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe contracts SMS Siemag for revamp of continuous caster no. 1 in Duisburg-Beeckerwerth

Following the engineering order in March 2012, Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe has now contracted SMS Siemag, Germany, to provide the delivery for the revamp of their continuous caster no. 1 at the Duisburg-Beeckerwerth works, Germany. The revamp will be carried out in 2014 during a planned shutdown period. True to the motto ‘’Experience counts’’, ThyssenKrupp relies …