Tag «Poets»

Rukmini Moitra, Sulekha and being pensive in the pandemic!

Like they say, there are poets and there are poets. There are the ones who write only for the adulation that they seek. And there are the ones who put their most precious thoughts on paper, jealously guarding their emotional outpourings, chary of giving strangers access into the innermost recesses of their souls. Rukmini Moitra …

Poets, Artists unplugged

  Colours of Refuge is the third anthology by ‘Poets, Artists Unplugged, a diverse and dynamic poetry group on Facebook that comprises of writers from all over the globe, sharing a common penchant and vibe called ‘expression’ through poetry, prose, art and/or photography. In synch with the mission of the group Poets, Artists Unplugged to offer the …

Pawan Kumar Ruia: Vision 2 lakh Crores – Kathakali Nandi

Poets, politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, sportspersons … the St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata has given the world some of her brightest sons and daughters. Achievers, whose exploits are the content of endless tales, of ballads extolling virtues for successive generations to take lessons from. However, the story of an army of Xaverians, who, armed with their B.Com …