Tag «fe»

New Set of Computational Tools and Models Expected to Help Enable Rapid Development and Deployment of Carbon Capture Technologies

Washington, D.C. – An eagerly anticipated suite of 21 computational tools and models to help enable rapid development and deployment of new carbon capture technologies is now available from the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI). The toolset developed by CCSI, a public-private partnership led by the Office of Fossil Energy’s (FE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), …

The lore of ore – Umesh Shanmugam

The most important commodity after oil deserves more attention than it gets. The development of a process to turn raw earth into steel merits a high spot on a list of mankind’s most ingenious achievements. The metal provides the backbone of skyscrapers, bridges and motorways, and the carapace and internal organs of cars, fridges and …