Tag «Eurozone»

The Global Economy in 2013: “Fragile and Timid Recovery”

The International Monetary Fund forecasts 3.5% GDP growth for the global economy in 2013 The economic climate is much better this year than last year, but the recovery is “fragile and timid” A new economic policy in Japan and strength in China and Africa provide glimmers of hope Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 26 January 2013 – The global …

Leaders Upbeat About Europe’s Prospects in the Wake of Tough Reform Agendas

It’s time to turn lessons learned from the Eurozone crisis into opportunities Tough reforms are working, but the single market must be completed immediately It is possible to achieve growth, prosperity and competitiveness while maintaining Europe’s core values The theme of the 43rd World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is Resilient Dynamism. For more information, visit http://wef.ch/Davos Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, …

Is Germany Poised for a Recession?

Germany, long the economic engine of the Europe, has seen its economy weaken sharply in recent months, with its gross domestic product shrinking by 0.5 percent in the final quarter of 2012. Weaker global growth and uncertainty created by the Eurozone credit crisis have prompted companies in Germany to invest less and postpone or cancel …