Tag «Duisburg»

ThyssenKrupp AG to actively support authorities with investigation

Today business premises of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe in Duisburg were searched by the Federal Cartel Office. According to the search warrant the matter involves alleged anticompetitive agreements between market participants relating to specific steel supplies to the automotive industry in Germany. Antitrust violations are not tolerated in the Group. Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Chairman of the …

Global Player from Duisburg at Bauma 2013: For 25 years, allmineral supplies innovative processing technology increasingly in demand throughout the world

From copper processing in Queensland, Australia, to sorting hematite iron ore in Brazil’s »Iron Quadrangle«, from jigging machines in the Pilbara region to magnetic separators in the Indian Sarda mines: allmineral’s innovative solutions play a key role in the state of the art   processing of raw materials around the world. Visit us  and find out …